Monday, October 19, 2015

How to make cheap solar power generation system

Get home solar power can be your needs, if you want to save money on your electricity consumption and want to do a little something is better than Earth. Since this is a thoroughly clean energy, you can use it as many times as you want devoid of destruction of nature, it is best found in the use of home cheap solar power.

Create your own home solar power system, and even has its own production costs gained more additional benefits. Retail solar energy devices can operate as countless hundreds of dollars. Their own home solar power technology, designed for a very small pair of hundred dollars.

It is believed that the new solar panels will cost thousands of dollars to get started a hundred bucks rely on size of your property and use the power of the reason this style. Although I've reported, I want to emphasize that the cost will be greatly reduced, if we do through our own system.

There are some data that you can buy cheap buy to build your personal panel. Excellent news is indispensable component parts can be ordered from local retailers, but this method is very fast. You can do two days of production. In addition, the cost of manufacturing in just a few hundred dollars varieties. That is why we call affordable solar electricity.

 solar power system

Solar power is not a block remedy the latest alternative energy sources, but even now in the cost of energy and the success of the phrase is the most feasible way.

Customers build their own panels to provide you with affordable energy can be your goal, you do not have to invest a lot can still be able to enjoy savings on your energy bills.

If you want to build your own DIY solar power system that you may or may not have been told the advantages of huge development with your own home solar power system that occurs varies. If you're sitting on the fence trying to choose, if you manufacture your own solar energy, there is a glimpse at some of these benefits will greatly exceed might help you get your ideas.

The most important advantage of household solar power generation system comprising: a retention money: Solar energy is free, in the sense that, once you have your system installed no further price, as long as you want, when you want a lot of use.

Green: This variety is very helpful power green, which means it does not set a damaging impression on the way. Solar energy is energy derived from sunlight collected, and for these types is a renewable and non-destructive energy it provides a variety of shocks over the outcome of any damage to the environment.

Go off-grid: use of solar energy in your home, you can minimize or totally avoid the use of energy drawn from the grid, which means you will not be in government policy, taxation, customs duties' or rationing. Going "off the grid" Another benefit is that you do not have more time to power problems.

Monday, October 12, 2015

The reward of solar power inverter

Solar photovoltaic systems, namely solar panels and the inverter output is proportional to the solar energy to generate power from the sun. This energy is instantly converted into electrical energy, can be used in the home or business. If the solar system produces more than appliances need that surplus is exported to the utility grid. If you are lucky, for some economic return, but for most solar customers next to nothing! This means that, unless you are using solar energy, because it is your production "given away" to the grid.

By increasing the local excess energy of this excess capacity to store it is needed, the inverter can manage the flow of power to ensure that you maximize your free solar energy, instead of wasting a "gift" to the grid.

Typically, this will be the first to use solar power, storage remaining, the use of stored energy during the night, if there are cheaper off-peak tariff - partially charged batteries at off-peak times. Some systems have a wisdom connected to the drive if the weather forecast the night before and decided to battery power from the cheap night rate charged or the following day from the sun to charge.

 solar panels

If we can prove, with real economic significance by using the energy generated by solar panels a day, so that the solar system will be enhanced. 99% of the domestic inverter fans and subway lights, may be television, but not for AC or refrigerator. So, if we started using fans, lighting almost entirely on solar energy, if it makes economic sense, equivalent to 2 - 3 years the return on investment should be good, we can spread the use of solar power in the country.

If the electricity consumption of the site and reduced access all the electricity from the panel, it will give you about 8--10 years to recover the investment. This high return is due to produce excess electricity to the grid can not be output to the higher export tariffs in Germany / UK / Spain / USA, general residential tariff low payback period of 3--5 years.

Although this is a good investment considering the very low O & M compared to replace the inverter battery trouble every now and then. In addition, power outages occurred mainly during the day time, therefore, the solar photovoltaic power generation can provide continuous supply has not run out of battery. So, effectively, you might last all day + 4 hours during the day, at night the battery supply + PV supply.

I think it is fair to say that the average income of families who can afford to have a spare battery inverter, can afford solar photovoltaic, if it provides some significant benefit more than business as usual. Challenge service providers face is to this benefit. This may be by economic interests or lifestyle or zero maintenance, fuel costs and other aspects no what these households click will be an interesting observation.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Solar inverter efficiency analysis

Solar inverter efficiency means that as the demand for renewable energy, solar inverter market  is growing, and these inverters require high efficiency and reliability.

Solar PV inverters general block diagram, there are three kinds of inverter options. In a series of connected sun shining solar cell modules, each module comprising a series string of solar cells. DC voltage produced by the solar cell module is a few hundred volts, the value is determined by the lighting conditions, the battery temperature and the number of modules to determine.

The main function of the solar inverter is to convert DC voltage to a stable value. This function is implemented by the boost converter needs a boost switch and boost diode.

In the first structure, full-bridge converter separated its boosted. The role is to provide full-bridge converter isolation. The output of the second full-bridge converter side for the first full-bridge converter converts the direct current into an alternating voltage. The output is filtered by the AC grid before an extra double contact relay switch is connected to an object to provide safe isolation in case of failure and isolation from the grid at night.

 solar power system

The second structure is non-isolated solution, and the AC voltage generated by boosting a DC voltage directly. The third structure is using the power switch and power supply integrated boost diode and AC generating private topology functional, although the conversion efficiency of the solar panels is very low, it is important to make it close to 100%.

In Germany, the south-facing roof installation of a 3kW module can generate about 2550 kwh of electricity annually. If the inverter's efficiency from 95-96%, so it's able to generate additional annual 25kWh. The use of additional solar modules to generate 25kWh electricity will take up the inverter prices. Since the cost of solar inverter will not, if efficiency is improved, from 95% up to 96%, so this is an inevitable choice, investment and efficient inverters.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

The advantages of micro solar pv inverter

I think, in the use of micro-inverters will be a huge advantage, using a centralized DC inverter, especially for residential installation. When and if they come up with a suitable DC arc fault protection, it will most likely be complicated and expensive and thus negate any cost advantages central inverter may have?

I have installed both traditional and micro-inverter and residential installations it is a "no-brainer", micro-inverter to win. Another advantage not mentioned: ground-mounted system, say a single-axis trackers or can be easily accessed from the ground a fixed shelf, we need completely surrounded by fencing array, if you use a DC inverter, is not the case an AC micro-inverter.

String inverter manufacturers are working hard to meet the new standards - Gozuk included. In fact, we have several tests throughout the United States. Although the price of PV systems is always concerned with the problem, which is too early to tell what the impact will be significant ROI, the string inverters are usually cheaper than the millionth lot of it, so I do not want to make any speculate on the increased costs.

Of course, if we are to pick up to the PV array and inverter transformer, then it would significantly reduce the chance of arcing in PV systems with built Riise detection circuit. I believe, will be addressed in future versions of the code.

 micro solar pv inverter

Reliability of the inverter is a problem though. The string inverters, we are using a well-established and has many years of performance verification, micro-inverter is still doubtful, since the reliability and assurance are two different things, although they are a leader, a lot of people buy them I want to look at risk assessment.

In general the wiring can be more easily understood by the basic homeowner must be based on the size of the string inverter output board, it is not necessary to micro-inverter, there is the size and layout is not necessarily with the micro-inverter the associated costs.

Cost analysis is still important. Our engineering analysis does not charge our system, because we do not do the roof-mounted systems. All of our systems are basically the same, the only change the inverter size.

For example, 3.5 kilowatt solar homeowners, it is exactly the same wiring and the inverter is set for all the owners to install. Wiring, string size, the DC circuit breaker, AC switch box are the same. In this particular case, from the DC breaker box wiring is normal ROMEX underground pipeline to the inverter, a combo box should be micro inverters, really I do not understand why there is a price advantage wiring micro-inverter device.